CPU Share in VPS Hosting
The CPU speeds offered by our Linux VPS hosting differ considerably and you can pick the VPS with the most suitable system resources for your sites. If you need a VPS for just one Internet site that doesn't have a great deal of visitors, for instance, you can acquire a low-end plan, which will also be less costly in comparison to the high-end plans offering substantial CPU quotas and which may easily match even a dedicated server. We set up only several VPS accounts on very efficient hosting servers with 16-core processors, so the CPU share that you will get with your new plan will be guaranteed at all times and the performance of your machine shall not be affected by other virtual accounts on the same physical server. Upgrading from one plan to another takes a few clicks via the billing CP and the added CPU share shall be assigned to your account straightaway.
CPU Share in Dedicated Web Hosting
If you choose to buy a dedicated server from us, you shall be able to pick between a few different plans which have different configurations. Thus, you could acquire the most suitable plan in accordance with your budget and the system resources that you need for your online/offline applications. Our most powerful package features a twelve-core processor that'll ensure the extremely fast execution of any script you run on the hosting server. Every CPU that we use when we assemble a new hosting server is fully tested to make sure that it shall work faultlessly even when there’s a really heavy workload. The processor speeds listed on our website are guaranteed at all times, since you'll be the only one who will utilize the resources of the entire hosting server.