The two most common reasons to get a server of your own are when a shared website hosting account cannot handle the load of the sites hosted inside it or if the web sites need particular software to be running on the machine, but it cannot be installed on a shared server. In these cases you can get your own hosting server, but this also means you shall be in charge of its maintenance, which isn't the situation with a shared Internet hosting server where the hosting company performs everything. In this light, we've introduced a Managed Services upgrade, which may be added to any of our web server plans if you do not have the time or the skills to deal with your machine. Our system admins will set up and troubleshoot software, update your OS and more in order to give you the chance to focus on developing your sites rather than handling various maintenance tasks.

Managed Services Package in VPS Hosting

If you wish to use our optional package, you could include it with several clicks to any of our Linux VPS hosting either when you order the package or through your billing account anytime later on. Because our system is pretty adaptable, you shall be able to renew the upgrade for so long as you require it and it will not be included permanently to the VPS package. The Managed Services package comes with a wide range of things including a full weekly backup of your web server, overseeing and restarting the virtual private server in case some problem presents itself, Operating System updates to ensure that you have the latest security patches and installation and troubleshooting of third-party scripts that aren't supplied by our business. The last option features thirty minutes of custom work from our administrators, which is enough for just about any task despite its nature. With this upgrade, you shall not have to stress about technical issues that you could encounter even if you have never used a VPS before.

Managed Services Package in Dedicated Web Hosting

The Managed Services upgrade may be added to any of the Linux dedicated hosting services that we offer and it takes just a simply click to complete that during the web server signup or within your billing Control Panel at any point in time. You may also choose if you will get the upgrade only one time or if you will employ it continuously as it includes a lot of handy services. We will keep a backup of fifty Gigabytes of content on a separate server, so in case anything bad happens, we can easily restore the data. We shall also make sure that the machine will perform at its best because we shall keep an eye on it, restart it when required, and we'll install all the most recent performance and security updates for the OS that you have chosen. In addition, our system administrators are able to perform 30 minutes custom work on your hosting server, which is sufficient for almost all tasks. This includes installing or troubleshooting applications from third-party vendors, custom software settings, etc. That way, you'll be able to use a dedicated server even if you don't have previous experiences with this sort of web hosting.